
Archive for July 28th, 2014

Were tucked in at Green Turtle Bay. Very nice marina. It was pretty hot yesterday. 102 with the heat index yesterday but the ACs kept us cool.

We have some pet problems. Hillary went down yesterday. she couldn’t walk or stand up. Keeps her head cocked to one side. . Carol spent a few hours  on the internet and after talking to a local vet they concluded that she has some type inner ear problem apparently common in older dogs. She’s almost 15 years old. so were going to take the courtesy car and going to the vet today..

Have some boat chores to do today. Boat is in desperate need of a good scrubbing. Hasn’t been cleaned good since we were out of the water. . Need to change the oil in both main engines and clean the bottom of the dinghy. The dinghy in the water really adds drag.  Good news is that a cool front .blew in last night and its in the low 70s. Absolutely gorgeous day so far but its only 8 am.

Met a couple on the boat two slips over. He and his wife had cruised the Ohio extensively and he had a copy of an unpublished book on the anchorages on the Ohio. He brought it over and Nansue took it  to the marina office and photocopied it.   Most of it was on a CD and I copied it onto a flash drive. It will take hours to go through it all but its pretty interesting. Has charts and a written description and photo images of his chart plotter locations.He gave us a two hour one on one question and answer session on the Ohio.

We received the mounting bracket for the new chart plotter yesterday and mounted in. works pretty good. Had to move things around a bit. Its a little tight with the radar and the chart plotter but the plotter is much more important for what were doing but its pretty big and didn’t have too many options for mounting it.

     Probably will spend another day here depending on what happens at the vets office today.




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