
Archive for July 24th, 2014

It’s 7am and have not heard from my crew. Invited David Quinn to go for a few days…at least to Pebble Isle and he is going for sure. Have not heard from Ron Cowan yet.  He was going to see how he felt when he got up. Expect phone to ring any minute. John Moody is taking us down to Iuka and bringing our car home. He has just had a knee replacement and is off work so has lots of free time. . He has physical therapy this am and will be here as soon as it’s over. We have several boxes of last minute stuff to take with us. I could be here for six months and still find stuff that absolutely needs to go that we can’t make it without. If we stayed any longer I would have so much junk on the boat we would have to haul Annie out and raise the waterline. have to run to grocery store and get milk and bread and a few last minute items for sandwiches until we hit Pebble Isle tomorrow evening. 

Not sure if they will wait till we get there to splash Annie. I would prefer to be there on the boat when she goes back in to check the bilges and make sure all is ok and she is not going to sink in the slip.


more later…”

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