
Archive for July 27th, 2014





Annie at Pebble Isle

Good morning world!

I have decided to date the posts rather than number them so further additions will be by date.
My dailly ritual begins with my doggie duties. Hillary is awake at sunup and as soon as her feet hit the floor she starts her morning “I’m ready to go for a walk dance.” which is pretty hard to ignore…so I, in somewhat of a stuporous state put on something to wear and find the leash. Meanwhile she is jumping up and down by the salon door. So we head down the dock looking for some grass. Now all boat dogs are in the same position, so they all use the first piece of grass they come to to make their first deposit. Hence,  the first plot of green abounds with the wonderful smells of all of her predecessors. Then she gets into the sniffing mode…ahhhh……..so many wonderful smells and so little time. And then its back to the boat for a delightful meal of this nasty  stuff in the green can. Actualy it looks quite gross but she doesnt seem to mind it too much. This whole process is much more difficult when we are anchored out. It involves getting the dinghy along side and then getting Hillary and me into the dinghy and not into  the river. Then we head off to find some place to go ashore. We generally try to anchor close to a boat ramp because they have docks which makes getting her ashore easier and there are usually cleared areas to walk her. And then the same thing in reversse…get her back in the dinghy and then getting her back on Annie and putting the dinghy away.

Today I have to get in the engine compartment and pull the water pump off the starboard engine and replace th impeller. Actually its not too bad except for the one bolt behind the pump that is impossible to get to with any  wrench known to mankind. . Have not done it in a good while and seems like I had come with some tricks to get that bolt out but right now they elude me so will climb down there after while and stare at it and maybe two neurons will fire at the same time and I will remember how to do it. Eating up impellers is just a fact of life on a boat and you always keep a bunch of spares. Both main engines are the same but the two generatos both  have different ones so there is a big box of engine impellers plus impellers for all of the other pumps on the boat.
Today will be a short day. After I replace the impeller its a 30 mile run down Kentucky Lake  to Green Turtle Bay Marinaon the Cumberland, Barclay Lock and then onto the Ohio.



This was a railroad bridge we passed under on Friday. The flood gauge on the pylon said we had 25 feet and we needed 23 feet. Sent David up topside to watch as we eased past. Cleared if by two feet. We could have called the bridge keeper on the radio and had him raise the bridge for  us but we made it.


Downriver gates opening at Pickwick Lock


The last day we have been on Kentucky Lake which is impounded by Kentucky Dam. Its a big wide lake  probable 5-7 mile wide in placesand we have to stay in the channel which is right down the middle so its unlike the rivers sections and not too much to see or take pictures of.



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